发布时间: 2022-06-14 浏览次数: 504










  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于相分离木质纤维素与热解废水协作共代谢调控转化生物基甲烷的研究,221781852022.1-2025.1260万元,主持

  2. 国家重点研发计划(国际科技合作项目)子课题,水热液化废水厌氧处理转化生物天然气,2018YFE0106400-0022019.8-2022.7126万元参与

  3. 山东省自然科学基金联合专项,青贮秸秆产酸代谢调控研究,ZR2018LB0312018.4-2020.1210万元主持

  4. 山东省自然科学基金联合专项,基于厌氧发酵技术的藻渣产甲烷潜力研究,ZR2012BL162012.12-2015.125万元主持

  5. 十二五”国家科技支撑计划,果蔬加工废弃物转化生物天然气关键技术及装备,2014BAD02B042014.1-2016.12936万元参与

  6. 十二五”国家科技支撑计划子课题,厌氧发酵处理微藻油渣,2011BAD14B032011.1-2013.1240万元主持



  1. Yan Li, Dongliang Hua, Haipeng Xu, Yuxiao Zhao, Fuqiang Jin, Xu Fang*. Improving biodegradability of corn stover pretreated by different organic acids Investigation on the hydrolysisacidification and methanogenic performance. Industrial Crops and Products. 2022, 177, 114395.

  2. Yan Li, Haipeng Xu, Xiaolu Yi, Yuxiao Zhao, Fuqiang Jin, Lei Chen, Dongliang Hua. Study of two-phase anaerobic digestion of corn stover: Focusing on the conversion of volatile fatty acids and microbial characteristics in UASB reactor. Industrial Crops and Products. 2021, 160, 113097.

  3. Yan Li, Haipeng Xu, Dongliang Hua, Baofeng Zhao, Hui Mu, Fuqiang Jin, Guangfan Meng, Xu Fang. Two-phase anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic hydrolysate: Focusing on the acidification with different inoculum to substrate ratios and inoculum sources. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 699, 134226.

  4. Yan Li, Dongliang Hua, Haipeng Xu, Fuqiang Jin, Hui Mu, Yuxiao Zhao, Xu Fang. Acidogenic and methanogenic properties of corn straw silage: Regulation and microbial analysis of two-phase anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology.2020,307,123380.

  5. Qingwen Fan, Yan Li*, Yuxiao Zhao, Haipeng Xu, Lei Chen, Dongliang Hua*. Anaerobic digestion coupled with three-dimensional iron-carbon electrolysis for enhanced treatment of wood-vinegar wastewater and bacterial structure changes. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 267, 122095.

  6. Dongliang Hua, Qingwen Fan, Yuxiao Zhao, Haipeng Xu, Lei Chen, Yan Li*. Comparison of methanogenic potential of wood vinegar with gradient loads in batch and continuous anaerobic digestion and microbial community analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 739, 139943.

  7. Dongliang Hua, Qingwen Fan, Yuxiao Zhao, Haipeng Xu, Lei Chen, Hongyu Si, Yan Li*. Continuous Anaerobic Digestion of Wood Vinegar Wastewater From Pyrolysis: Microbial Diversity and Functional Genes Prediction. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020, 8, 923.

  8. Yan Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Haipeng Xu,Hui Mu, Dongliang Hua, Fuqiang Jin, Guangfan Meng. Acidogenic properties of carbohydrate-rich wasted potato and microbial community analysis: Effect of pH. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.2019,128(1): 50-55.

  9. Yan Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Dongliang Hua, Hui Mu, Haipeng Xu, and Guangfan Meng. Optimizing the Acidification of Cabbage Waste in Leaching Bed Reactor and Analysis of Microbial Community. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. 2019,13, 748-756.

  10. Yan Li, Dongliang Hua, Hui Mu, Haipeng Xu, Fuqiang Jin, Xiaodong Zhang. Conversion of vegetable wastes to organic acids in leaching bed reactor: Performance and bacterial community analysis. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2017,124(2), 195-203.

  11. Yan Li, Mintian Gao, Dongliang Hua, Jie Zhang, Yuxiao Zhao, Hui Mu, Haipeng Xu, Xiaohui Liang, Fuqiang Jin, Xiaodong Zhang. One- and two-stage anaerobic digestion of lipid-extracted algae. Ann. Microbiol.2015,65, 1465-1471.

  12. Yan Li, Dongliang Hua,J ie Zhang, Mintian Gao, Yuxiao Zhao, Haipeng Xu,Xiaohui Liang, Fuqiang Jin, Xiaodong Zhang. Influence of inoculum to substrate ratios (ISRs) on the performance of anaerobic digestion of algal residues. Ann. Microbiol. 2014,64, 955-960.

  13. Yan Li, Dongliang Hua, Jie Zhang, Yuxiao Zhao, Haipeng Xu, Xiaohui Liang, Xiaodong Zhang.Volatile fatty acids distribution during acidogenesis of algal residues with pH control. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013,29,1067-1073.

  14. Yan Li, Xiao-Dong Zhang, Li Sun, Jie Zhang, Hai-Peng Xu.Fatty acid methyl ester synthesis catalyzed by solid superacid catalyst SO42-/ZrO2–TiO2/La3+. Applied Energy. 2010,87, 156-159.

  15. Yan Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Li Sun, Min Xu, Wenguang Zhou, Xiaohui Liang. Solid super-acid catalyzed fatty acid methyl esters production from acid oil. Applied Energy.2010,87, 2369-2373.

  16. Yan Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Li Sun. Fatty acid methyl esters from soapstocks with potential use as biodiesel. Energy Conversion and Management. 2010,51, 2307-2311.       


  1. 李岩,. 利用黑液调控青贮秸秆降解产有机酸及转化甲烷的方法,中国发明专利,ZL202010387310.9.

  2. 李岩,. 木质纤维素水解液制备沼气的方法,中国发明专利,ZL201910560126.7.

  3. 李岩,. 木醋液能源化利用的方法,中国发明专利,ZL201911215842.8.

  4. 李岩,.整体式催化剂在合成生物柴油中的应用及合成生物柴油的方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201010117876.6.

  5. 李岩,.微藻培养的方法,中国发明专利ZL 201010231006.1.

  6. 李岩,.藻渣厌氧消化制备沼气的方法,中国发明专利ZL201210279524.X.

  7. 李岩,.以沼渣为原料进行微藻培养的方法,中国发明专利ZL201310139884.4.

  8. 李岩,.果蔬废弃物产沼气的方法,中国发明专利ZL 201510138788.7.

  9. 李岩,.秸秆一体两相厌氧发酵产沼气装置,实用新型专利ZL 201420142057.0.


1. 基于有机固废质能转换的产业化关键技术体系构建与清洁供能示范,山东省科技进步奖二等奖,山东省科技厅,8/92019.



4. 生物质热转化过程定向性调控机理研究,山东省高等学校科技奖本科高校类二等奖,山东省教育厅,3/62018.